Elementary kids in Brooklyn say the dangedest things

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello there.

So I teach elementary school in Brooklyn. I love it. But this blog isn't about me. I've thought about making it lots of times, but finally had the chance today, during an extra prep time. Almost every day, at least one of them says something bizarre/hilarious/interesting/sweet/etc. Usually bizarre and hilarious. So I'm going to try to keep these for posterity. Hopefully you'll enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. My wife works in an elementary school. I freaking love hearing the stuff these kids come up with. Personal fav here:
    Laura's office is in the same hall as the Chinese teacher's room. A misbehaving child is sent out of the room followed by staff. After being reprimanded by the teacher, the kid retorts, "but i don't want to learn Chinese, i just want to eat it!"
